

Gift Cards

Luxe Couples Escape Gift Card 1
Festive FrocksFestive Frocks

    Breathe Stretch Float

    Luxe Couples Escape Gift Card

    AUD $ 498.00AUD $
    This gift card provides the recipients an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city - a truly restorative mini retreat for two. Experience an immediate sense of peace as you enter the purposely built wellness haven and are welcomed by the friendly Breathe Stretch Float team. Start your experience with a 60-minute float therapy – lay back and enjoy the feeling of being completely weightless as you drift into a meditative and peaceful space, rejuvenating your mind and body. You will then be guided to South Australia’s first and only Himalayan Salt Cave where you will experience a blissful 60-minute full body relaxation massage. Allow yourself to drop into an even deeper relaxation in this tranquil space, breathing in the finely dispersed purest salt and receiving the numerous benefits to your respiratory system and skin as gentle massage strokes ease tension. At the conclusion of your massage, remain immersed in your newly found bubble of peace and calm as you and your partner share a relaxing herbal tea. This head-to-toe wellness experience is the ultimate affordable luxury escape. It will leave you both feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and completely nourished.
    Purchase Order
    Price per item:
    AUD $ 498.00
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    AUD $ 0.00
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    Breathe Stretch Float
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